How to install Adobe Acrobat PRO?
Here you will find information on how to install Adobe Acrobat Pro on your computer.
1 - Open a web browser and go to then, choose “sign in” on the upper right hand side.
2 - On the next window, choose “Continue with Google”.
3 - Use your complete OSD email and password to login to your OSD Google Account.
4 - You will be redirected to the website below. Then, choose Company or School Account
5 - On the next window, open “Adobe Acrobat” on your app list.
6 - On the next page, choose the “Desktop” tab then, click on “Download”.
7 - A file called Acrobat_Set-Up.exe should start downloading. Once it is done, go ahead and open and run the file on your “download” files.
8 - While downloading, you see the window below and it will take around 15-20 minutes to download.
9 - Once the installation is complete, Adobe Acrobat will open automatically.