Screen Share using the iPad
Here you will find information on how to screen share your iPad to the Promethean Board.
1 - On your iPad, download the myPromethean app.
2 - On the promethean board, tap on the promethean logo or the arrow pointing upwards to show the applications. Then, tap the Screen Share app to get to the Panel ID.

3 - On the iPad, open the myPromethean app. Choose “I’m a Teacher”. Then, input the panel ID on the next window and type your name. Then, choose “Start Screen Share”. On the next window, choose “Start Broadcast”.

4 - On the promethean board, tap the group icon below the panel ID to go to the waiting room.

5 - Once inside the waiting room, check on your name. Then, tap the orange “Share” button on the bottom. Your screen should start projecting on the board.

6 - To stop mirroring, open the group icon on the side of the Promethean Board. Press the “X” next to your name. Then, choose “End Sharing”. On the board, you can close the waiting room by tapping the “X” at the bottom of the screen.